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Unser Vatergive it to me baby i go, ya know it's a rap, it's gonna get, bout energy goin'up, see this, play that, if we consider the spot, we'll know, performing, What'zaGoingOn, jus a preacher hollerin' "whatz goin on?, which bet ?, i can't decide which way." i just can't stop wazwazz wazwazz wazwass zeBunch quare chez e sigh zé qwaskune. qwa qwaskune!? Chant Horn n yaKnow einstein epeser Earthling esbelal svisqoytre ena bena beshöyg Ba'ash BaDenYa Chant Bell Chant Here's what i ask ... hah Lord, shabaya uzi o nah zee. The prayer: higher higher higher higher ... as lacks no joy, 4 their survival the voices on a log. "what's goin on?" "i dunno" "can you...?" "it's... very very, very very, very ordinary." |
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Wortrauch![]() ![]() you will end up stuck, in a dentists chair. But first, in the waiting room, a woman will sit next to you. You can't wait until she leaves, the closeness annoys you. No sooner you'd thought it, she gets called for service and leaves. You will need Novacaine at this point. Please, " just one small squirt. " We are going to do the hard coding now. More pain killers would be required, but you will not need them .. .. not necessary because you spoke too soon, two more women come into the waiting room and sit on either side of you. ![]() There is no question, one has to load the code. How do you get out of the center position before waiting to be called? So do you talk about cobwebs and a dark story about how the season will conclude? or sunrays, and a peek at verse, that will describe how it all will begin? ![]() God forbid it. Without a doubt, execute the program. Initiate the reaction. If it does not activate quickly, one shot of Jack Daniels will ease the pain of starting the process. Now that the sun is in your eyes, and you can't see, This problem can be solved with the aid of sunglasses. A slow slur in speech, and the words will spill on the ground, Like rainforest torrents, you can not go back. Sorry. ![]() So you finally have it running. Roll media. "Do you know that your son is a gangster," the commentator blurts. Well, the channels change again, and the score is 14 to 143. What side is winning, we're not sure. So like a sleuth; After a 'three stooges' reality; It's a family affair; 'fun loving'; 3D; west coast style; bacon, lettuce and tomato (BLT); with mayonnaise please; camera men are news men; Ma'am; Go ahead get married; Dying to; End of story. Where's the family after all this came down ? Well wait, One more round of "the star spangled banner yet waves...." Over and over and over. Still peace be still. The last hymn has been sung a long time ago. So go home. Spend a little time with yourself. Can't do it? Well don't worry, Nobody cares, go watch the game. She said she loves me. ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Wörter des Glaubens![]() Took me hours to find the place. Sun is just setting. Shot the beans. Bean pods. Just dispersed all over the place. Now I am starting early, whereas; Too young to know any better as, How do you end the track ? ; Too old, where is the caboose? I want to jump off. Massive bulking up of the environment. Covered in Cobwebs: ..that massive fiber spider net, really terminates and attaches to a tree, somewhere. Almost Like Home: A little bug just hopped up a branch, While some mayor or governor dined. Like he wanted to see something. ![]() It is more important that I study this little bug, that jumped up, from one branch to the next. Now, .. he had what appears to be, four wings, two sets of two, and a wide body. Now watch, as four ducks fly over... and then three pairs. I hear salsa music. "Kinda sorta". Just another Jambalaya sunset y´all. ![]() How is one supposed to sort all this crap out? I do not think so. The internet is a wasteland. A useless hulk of meaningless junk. A hunk of junk !? Systems do not really integrate that well. Why should they ? Is not everybody wonderful? " The whole thing should be turned off. " " Anything that shows an image ... ... of a man or woman on it. " " Turn it off. " " Nobody really cares about other humans ... " Interpretation of their methods of conquering a system. " It should go away. Everybody should be making something, not protecting some worthless investment ." Worthless investment ? You say: "what investment?" ![]() Why do I feel like not doing it anymore? : "It don't feel right." That is what they said. They took one look at the script and said, "It don't feel right. Put it down while ya´ have a chance." Endless. Endless. 'hellos' and 'it'll be alrights' Take It Down. Constant crumbling, why not tear it down, And re-write the whole story. No, let's patch it one more time. "It's just a small seed pod, sir." It can't get any better than this. ![]() at least a lifetime. A light rain falling, muddy pathways, walking past the heroes, of yet another day. No, I won't shoot the stones, the obelisks, the sarcophagi, of the little boys and girls. Old photographs. How I love them. ... and the people that came from them. | ||
Wort Sechs Jesaja'sGott beruft Jesaja zum Propheten![]() 1 Es war in dem Jahr, als König Usija starb. Da sah ich den Herrn auf einem hohen, gewaltigen Thron sitzen. Der Saum seines Gewandes füllte den ganzen Tempel aus. 2 Er war umgeben von mächtigen Engeln, jeder von ihnen hatte sechs Flügel. Mit zwei Flügeln bedeckten sie ihr Gesicht, mit zweien ihren Leib, und zwei brauchten sie zum Fliegen. 3 Sie riefen einander zu: "Heilig, heilig, heilig ist der Herr, er allmächtige Gott! eine Herrlichkeit erfüllt die ganze Welt." 4 Ihre Stimme ließ die Fundamente des Tempels erbeben, und das ganze Heiligtum war voller Rauch. 5 Entsetzt rief ich: "Ich bin verloren! Denn ich bin ein Sünder und gehöre zu einem Volk von Sündern. Mit jedem Wort, das über unsere Lippen kommt, machen wir uns schuldig! Und nun habe ich den Herrn gesehen, den allmächtigen Gott und König!" 6 Da flog einer der Engel zu mir mit einer glühenden Kohle in der Hand, die er mit der Zange vom Altar geholt hatte. 7 Er berührte damit meinen Mund und sagte: "Die glühende Kohle hat deine Lippen berührt. Deine Schuld ist jetzt weggenommen, dir sind deine Sünden vergeben." 8 Danach hörte ich den Herrn fragen: "Wen soll ich als Boten zu meinem Volk senden? Wer ist bereit zu gehen?" Ich antwortete: "Ich bin bereit, sende mich!" 9 Da sprach er: "Geh und sag diesem Volk: Hört mir nur zu, so lange ihr wollt, ihr werdet doch nichts verstehen. Seht nur her, ihr werdet doch nichts erkennen! ![]() | ||
Der spatz, dessen zunge ausgeschnitten wurde.![]() BLU CHIP - VIDEO <strawberry-ice> because i havent learbed all of the keys yet <shooz> htas ko Sliced Up " Hear any thin' ..?" " nah " " See anythin ..?" " naaaa ![]() " wait a minute !" " hear somethin ?" " not sure " " see somethin ?" " hold on .." | ||
![]() HOOKIN - 144KB - VIDEO |
Haken und StrichleiternMel was a famous musician. At one time he led the famous dance combo called "Moe and the Mel-Tones". After exhaustive research through his acquaintances, I finally located him playing a keyboarded instrument in a most esteemed 'Jazz Club' downtown. During a break in his set, we sat down and chatted over barbecue and beer (I had a delicious iced tea). Here follows some poignant dialogue from our interview.Aman: "Tell me how..." I'm cut off before I can finish the question. Mel: "...I was a big blu-chip dealin' muthafukka and let me tell you about dem hookers and hustlers. The best jazz clubs have nobody playin' jazz in 'em. The best pimps and hookers are usually found around the places where the best jazz is played. Now you go figure. How is anybody supposed to be able to compete in an environment like that.. Come on now !? You have to realize the whole lifestyle thing has changed a little as well. No longer do you have to find a place to hide, after you've worked all day hiding, prior to going home for someplace to hide, as well as and not disallowing, hiding from someone while you're hiding there at home." Aman: "Now that you've positioned that dilemma .. the next protocol for discernment here is ? " My arms poised questioning and akimbo. Mel: "Turn on all your media devices, all of them, and adjust their individual volumes to a comfortable but balanced level. That's right. Your record player, cd player, cassette player, radio, tv, preferably to a news channel or soap opera, open the front window so you can hear the neighborhood kids hollerin' in the street, open the back window so you can hear your other neighbors workin' with their dad blammed radios blasting 60's oldies, while they work on cheap GM pickup trucks. If you center yourself into this aural field and draw inner focus on the wondrous cacophonous mix, you'll find the right clear spot, and the wondrous cacophony will reveal itself in form as an orifice resembling a blue door. Of course this IS the 'jazz door'. Be careful not to disturb its presence. Do not disturb this mix. It's reality." |
Mehr ausdrücke der braunen und grünen wörter.THE QUOTED EXCERPT " " Suits me," said I, "whatever it is." "....... " " This is what they do in the temples of Tibet. It's a holy ceremony, it's done just like this in front of chanting priests. People pray and recite Om Mani Pahdme Hum, which means Amen the Thunderbolt in the Dark Void. " " ![]() ![]() |
Mutter WortLas cosas pequeñas de niños"Es gibt einen schützenden ort, wo protokolle durch einmalige soziale kontexte gelernt werden. Die Sprachen verwirren das bedeuten der wörter mit ihrem praktischen Brauch. Jene zeit wird von unwissenheit offensichtlich getilgt ist. Gewisse systeme können diese oszillation nicht stützen. Die koordinaten sind bestimmt worden. Es ist der ursprüngliche Fuß druck unserer väter." Aserín, aseran. Las maderas de San Juan, Las de Juan comen pan, y las de Pedro comen queso. A Cuando vayas a comprar carne, no compres ni de aqui, ni de aqui, ni de aqui, ni de aqui, ni de aqui, ".. it's a constant ricochet .. projectiles hittin' projectiles .." " Jus' relax .. Geez " |
![]() ArmDatum - 1.9MB- AUDIO |
Geschmack des Lebens![]() ArmDatum - 5.2 MB - VIDEO
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Die Schildkröte ist von einem genus baum geflogen?![]() RipGroove - 198K - VIDEO | |||||
YoBraune¿ las palabras marrones ?"..sir, quick ! I can't believe ..." ... mi eyez seez ... Many entities holding monkee sticks. " .. it's all in a day's work .. ..when a time constraint occurs, eat fruit .. " " ... asphaltum, sir, they've tons of it !" MalacostracanCreature and SophismBraune Wörter | |
![]() BrownWord - 1.6MB - VIDEO |
![]() WORDSEED - 327KB - VIDEO |
WortSamenaHoy.¿ Las semillas de Dios la oración pagada ? "..can't figure the language out..." New tongues, with bright lights, small shapes, ... the contours of these shadows discovered. The Power of Discernment. " well, I am sorry sir .. ..the anchor was not there, you saw it yourself .. " " What "!" ... waddaya mean, no more room in the vessel ?" "I'll be there, you'll be there." FastigiateMotivos and ObjectsDie Samen, des Gottes, haben in Gebet gezahlt. |
WortFruchtDispatches.¿ Vio usted la familia, como embarcaron ? ", .. it's easy sir, I've determined the coords.., I'm no longer here, and haven't a need to hold that post." "nah, that device no longer works .. ¿ Am I secure in this position ? , yes sir, it's no longer a threat ... never was, just walk away " "Just a casa forte .. impossible you say.. no the circuit dropped .. and the revealing process quelled that chaos." "The worm wood was an inspiration to that machine ... popularity issue, come again there's no static here." PerpetuityMethods and systemsHaben Sie die Familie als sie angefangen haben gesehen ? |