

  .. this was recorded at Mulvey Studios in Lawrenceville, Autumn '97. We used Dan Mulvey's Wurlitzer, Dan  played acoustic bass, and Will Constantine played a hybrid drum set. We had a  portable field recorder and some good mikes...
  ... I was introduced to Dan by John Golden in the late 80's. I forget where, but Dan was very influential, supportive, in my efforts to wrench jazz  idioms into a Latin flavors ..
  It was at this junction that I decided to dispense with naming the band after the leader and simply called the ensemble ComboSol. Yup, that's right, ComboSol was one word. A vain attempt at innovative marketing. This was pretty much the birth of an ongoing piano trio thing ..  

  1. Autismic Leafage

  2. LiteTunisia

  3. Masqaid

  4. HowInsensed


Project 03, music recording
