.. this was recorded at Mulvey Studios in Lawrenceville, Autumn '97. We used Dan Mulvey's Wurlitzer,
Dan played acoustic bass, and Will Constantine played a hybrid drum set. We had a portable field recorder and some good mikes...
... I was
introduced to Dan by John Golden in the late 80's. I forget where, but Dan
was very influential, supportive, in my efforts to wrench jazz idioms into a Latin flavors ..
It was at this junction that I decided to dispense with
naming the band after the leader and simply called the ensemble ComboSol. Yup, that's right, ComboSol was one word. A vain attempt at innovative marketing. This
was pretty much the birth of an ongoing piano trio thing ..
"The Life and Times"
- Autismic Leafage
- LiteTunisia
- Masqaid
- HowInsensed